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Read the Intro

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Read the Intro

"The primary goal of this book is to give aspiring Changemakers the proper tools to determine if the change they create is truly leading themselves and their constituents to a rewarding and more equitable future."

What is a
"Foolish Genius"

The blind leading the blind...

The Foolish Genius is a Changemaker that has the ability to create lasting change, but has not done their due diligence to ensure that that change will have a positive impact. They are armed with their incredible ability, blinded by good intentions, and led by their own definition of Common Sense. Someone could be one regardless of IQ, title, income level, etc. If they lead without being led by wisdom, they are a Foolish Genius. 

It's not enough to know how to create Change. You have to know how to steer it too.

The ability to create change is separate from the ability of knowing what change to create. If every well-intentioned Changemaker in history knew the difference, the world would be a Utopia. Having the ability to create change has overshadowed the ability to properly steer the change you create. This state of blind bliss and self-justification is the state of the Foolish Genius and the downfall of those who are affected by the change they create.



We develop Changemakers. 


Changemakers are leaders that are able to change the definition of Common Sense in a group. They spark the change that we may (or may not) like to see.

Wise Society

Progress is directional change.

The ability to create change is separate from the ability of knowing what change to create. All change is not progress, and we teach Changemakers how to tell the difference, using Wisdom as their compass.

Process of Change

The 4 I's of Change

The first two I's deal with personal development: the change that happens behind the scenes when no one is watching. The third eye is what most would identify as leadership. It occurs when your personal development serves as an example to others. The fourth I, Incarnation, is the only form that creates lasting change in groups.


"Initiative is an intentional daily choice. The discipline to take initiative every day is what sets most people apart from those who simply take a momentary interest in creating change."


Going beyond just interpersonal relationships, intimacy the willingness to be changed by beneficial concepts and healthy relationships.


When your habits and pursuit of a concept become so consistent and successful that your story becomes an example to others.


When a single idea becomes so ingrained in a community that its members embody that idea without conscious thought.


It's not enough to know how to create Change. You have to know how to steer it too.

The ability to create change is separate from the ability of knowing what change to create. If every well-intentioned Changemaker in history knew the difference, the world would be a Utopia. There is countless information on h 


The anchoring concept in this book and the only thing that separates positive change from misguided change. Wisdom receives guiding force through principles.


The process by which we can “discover a valuable truth”. Learn how through a firm understanding of principles. A strange social outcast converted his people from complacent allies into steadfast abolitionists, forming the first religious anti slavery group in America. A concept not possible to hold onto without purpose.


A concept that not only drives the Changemaker, but the explosively creative innovation of groups.


How to operate the most powerful tool in the Changemakers toolbox. A tool that is either commonly used by the devious or commonly creates them, but can be used to create positive change, with the right approach.

Community Development 

The one concept that encompasses them all, striking at the very heart of wisdom. Read about a woman whose efforts and love for her community restored the self-respect and economic viability to a people that had forgotten their culture and were dependent on the good will of others.

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